Bin Spotify | 22/07/2018 working 100%

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This essay will analyse the impact that music streaming services have had on consumers, artists and the music industry. The project will aim to do this by critically analysing three of the most prominent streaming services, Spotify, Apple Music and Tidal. This essay develops three case studies in order to fully interpret the impact which the introduction of music streaming services have had on the industry. Currently, Spotify is the most popular streaming service. However, this may be due to the fact that it offers a freemium service alongside a paid service. Apple Music was launched on the world’s most popular smartphone, the iPhone, as well as other Apple products. Tidal was rebranded under the management of Jay Z and thus had to build up its subscription base. After careful analysis of the streaming services, recommendations are offered in order to assist the future alignment of music streaming services with the wishes of the music industries consumers, artists and record labels. This research paper was researched using the current literature available that has been written on the three music streaming services. The influence of piracy on the music industry will also be analysed. This will be associated with the growth of technology in the area of music distribution and will highlight the changes that have taken place in the music industry over the last twenty years. The references used in this essay consist of academic findings alongside website articles which offer insights into the music streaming services, its associated artists and the music industry surrounding them. This ensures that the facts stated in the essay are up to date. All sources have been cross referenced to ensure their authenticity. 
Music streaming services have become the most popular method for consumers to listen to music. Streaming services offer consumers unlimited access to large catalogues of music. These services store the music in a server that users can connect to via their laptops and mobile devices. Whilst connected to the internet users can listen to any song they wish, by selecting it on the application from which it can then be played. On many services the consumer can choose to store the music locally, by making it available offline. This means that the music is stored on the consumer’s device within the memory of the streaming service app. The user does not own any of the music in the catalogue, in this way it is similar to how people rent books from a library. Users are also unable to access the individual MP3 files within the catalogue and therefore they cannot make copies for their own use. Through a monthly subscription whether paid or free, users are able to stream their favourite artists easily on their own devices. The technology of streaming services whether music or video has been growing consistently over the past ten years. Most streaming services allow users to download an application for free from which they are able to access the full service, rather than just using the services main website. Music streaming has grown in popularity due to the fact that many consumers have access to a smart phone with internet on a regular basis. Thus showing that the rise of music streaming services has been dependent on the technology which has been created alongside it. Music streaming has offered the music industry and its artists a new method of sharing and distributing music to consumers across the world.
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